Booking Strongly Advised.

To make a booking call 01775 725415 :
If outside of opening times or we are unable to get to the phone please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we are able too.

Opening Times.

11am till 4pm:
: Wednesday : Thursday : Friday : Saturday : Sunday :

Closed :
: Monday : Tuesday : (We will be OPEN for Bank Holidays.)

Easter Sunday.
Christmas Day.
Boxing Day.
New Years Day.

To our customers: If you book and can not make it please call and cancel your booking so we can open it up to other people. Or due to people failing to turn up we will have to start charging in advance.

The Coffee shop will be serving drinks, meals and snacks.

If you wish to make a booking and no one is available please leave a message with your name and contact number and we will return the call as quickly as we can.